Have you ever thought about investing below the blue collar? Some people wouldn’t touch entry level areas with a 10 foot pole, other have made fortunes investing in these areas. So what do you need to know about investing in entry level areas around Australia? Is it really as risky as some say it is? And how do you make sure you’re doing all you can to get a good tenant that won’t turn the house into a drug lab? All of this and more is answered today with our guest Jackie Skein.
Jackie Skein has almost a decade of property management experience in the Logan city area in Queensland and is now the Principle of My Loagan Reality. Jackie has seen it all from the worst of the worst cleaning out meth lab homes to the best of the best where happy tenants stay for 10 years and love the property as if it were their own. Chat in more detail with Jackie about property management: https://www.myloganrealty.com/
Join me “Todd Sloan” each week, as I dig deep into the lives and experiences of a different industry leader each week to bring you the best property content in the country.
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