We have a firm belief at Pizza and Property that it’s always best to keep soaking up as much knowledge as possible to help you on your property path. But… what if you already had some of the skill necessary to complete your first deal or move onto the second or third? This episode is all about how some of the skills we pick up from past life experience can translate directly to property investing, meaning you might be closer than you thought to achieving your goal.

Walking us through this is entrepreneur and renovation coach Belinda Smith. As a former undercover cop, now with over 37 years of property investing experience, Belinda has a unique take on how to overcome roadblocks and manage your mind to lead you to where you want to be in the property space.

Chat with Belinda in more detail: https://renovateandrealestate.com.au/about/

Join me “Todd Sloan” each week, as I dig deep into the lives and experiences of a different industry leader each week to bring you the best property content in the country.

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