Warehouse style conversations aren’t a new thing, but converting a warehouse into 12 studio loft apartments in Tasmania is certainly not a common project. Never dissuaded by different, Ian Ugarte and his wife Holly set out to bring a style of dwelling to a town that was not use to it. This episode we unpack with Ian the challenges they faced taking on such a unique project, like:

How did they go with the valuations with a lack of comparable sales?

What did they do about push back from locals?

How did they keep everything together and profitable during so much uncertainty?

We’re talking about all this and more with Ian Ugarte in this episode Talk in more detail with Ian and his team: https://invida.com.au/

Join me “Todd Sloan” each week, as I dig deep into the lives and experiences of a different industry leader each week to bring you the best property content in the country.

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