Have you ever wanted to hear more about how Aussie investors get started when they’re on a lower income?

What kind of skills the have?

How they make choices?

And how they manage to build a portfolio when the odds are against them?

Hearing the stories of really wealthy investors are awesome, but the man we’re talking to today is not worth $20,000,000 or $50,000,000

We’re talking with Tim Brown, a former military man who managed to build a $2.5m portfolio on government wage income which at its best is only about $75,000.

The reason I wanted to bring Tim on to the show is because of his skills in the army, and more importantly how they transfer into property investing.

Tim’s going to open up and share with us skills he’s learnt in the military that we can learn from and sometimes apply to our lives as property investors.

Staying calm in stressful negotiations

Choosing the right strategy

Executing on your property plan the way a military man does

Having starting seriously investing in 2019 and now helping others build their portfolios as a buyers agent, I find Tim has a very logical approach to property investing but still recognises the part emotions play in all of us.

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