Has anyone ever told you to find a mentor?
If they have and you’ve tried to find one you’ll know how tricky it can be to find a good mentor in the property investing space.
This episode we talk with property investor and buyers agent Sam Gordon, a man that’s built a portfolio from the ground up consisting of over 50+ rental properties worth around $20,000,000 Sam shares his experiences, tips and how-to’s for all of us trying to find a property mentor.
This episode we’ll talk about:
- Understanding the kind of mentor you should find to best help you.
- Knowing how to approach them to increase the chances of them saying yes to mentoring you.
- Understanding what you want to learn and when you may have outgrown your mentor.
All that and more
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Join Todd Sloan and a different industry leader each week, as they open up the topics you want to know more about to become a savvy investor.
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