Using a fixed mindset of “There’s only one way to achieve something” can cause you to walk past opportunities every day without knowing it.
This episode we’re talking with Buyers Agent & Renovator Cameron Holoubek, about an opportunity in the market right now that seems to constantly be misunderstood and potentially overlooked. We’re talking about the opportunity in the right units as an investment.
It’s important to note this episode isn’t pro unit and against house; Cameron and I got together to make this episode not with the intention of hoping others would buy units, rather we created this to help anyone that’s open to it better understand the growth potential that could be right in front of them if they took the time to look deeper.
This episode we talk about: How the unit’s higher yield can help growth in a higher interest rate environment. The difference between unit stock that’s dud vs units that have potential to help you grow.
All that and much more. Subscribe for free using the link below.
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