A few weeks back we stumbled across an article that lit up the comment section with a lot of mixed opinions. Alex Fitzgerald is a 28 year old that has built her portfolio through building property only. Some dug in saying how this was the worst thing ever and didn’t agree with what she has done. Before a few weeks ago we had never met Alex Fitzgerald but we saw an opportunity here to explore the other side of the coin in terms of…How has a 28 year old built a now 5 strong property portfolio only using the build and hold method? This episode is all about sharing another side to the story and how one woman has used her strategy to build a property portfolio. Some of the points we cover off with Alex: – The importance of understanding demographics – The shift in the ageing population – The reasons she feels new builds are better to hold longer term. 

Join me “Todd Sloan” each week, as I dig deep into the lives and experiences of a different industry leader each week to bring you the best property content in the country.

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