Every month, we ask our audience to send in a suburb that they’d like analysed, so that our resident data expert and Head of Research at InvestorKit, Arjun Paliwal, can break it apart and let them know whether it’s a NO or a GO!

The question for today’s episode was sent in by Angivin, who wants to know whether he should pursue a 3-5 bedroom, free-standing house on 600-800 square metres in Prospect, Tasmania…

A very specific question that’ll need a very specific answer!

To do that, we’ll start with the data and trends of Tasmania at a state level, then narrow down into Launceston and, finally, the suburb of Prospect.

Tasmania has had some strong years of growth in the past, but is it ready to boom once again, or are you better off waiting?

If you’ve got an investment property in Tassie or would like to purchase one there in the near future, you’re in luck because Arjun is ready with all the data and stacks of information!

And of course, if you’d like a suburb analysed, click the link below and get in touch!

🍕🏠 We want to hear your investor story! So if you’ve experienced something that you know other investors can learn a thing or two from, click the link below and let us know. 🍕🏠
👉 https://pizzaandproperty.com.au/investor-story 👈

If you’d like to be flown into the Pizza & Property Studio, put up for a night’s accommodation, have dinner with Todd Sloan, and have a team of carefully chosen property investing experts help you get unstuck, click the link below and tell us why you’re stuck, and you could be our next UN-Stuck Yourself winner!
👉 https://pizzaandproperty.com.au/unstuck-yourself 👈

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