If you’re in a situation where you have to pay LMI when buying your investment property, you might feel like you’re paying a lot of money towards something you don’t really see anything for, but have you ever considered that the lender you’re using could be charging you 10% – 20% or even more for the exact same lenders mortgage insurance?

This episode we talk about LMI with broker Tom Newman, how the costs can vary greatly, what you need to know about and what to do to find out you’re not overpaying.

Chat in more detail with Tom Newman: https://www.summitfinancewa.com.au/

Genworth LMI calculator: https://www.genworth.com.au/products/tools/lmi-fee-estimator

Join me “Todd Sloan” each week, as I dig deep into the lives and experiences of a different industry leader each week to bring you the best property content in the country.

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